TeNo Editorial recognizes the importance of improving the visibility and accessibility of published research by including it in various abstracting and indexing databases. However, how quickly selected materials become available in abstracting and indexing databases is up to the provider; TeNo Editorial has no influence on this timeline. TeNo Editorial conference proceedings are indexed in a number of services, including these leading databases:
Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science)
Google Scholar
EBSCO (EBSCO Discovery Service)
Due to the high volume of submissions, Clarivate prioritizes evaluation of those volumes of highest interest to the global Web of Science user community. Those volumes that are evaluated and pass all Clarivate selection criteria will be selected for WoS-CPCI coverage. Please take note that as Clarivate has its own policies as to the duration for acceptance, processing, and indexing new content, TeNo Editorial cannot guarantee acceptance or a specific time frame for the indexing process to be completed.